Vitiligo :: Efficacy of Homoeopathic Drugs in cases of Leucoderma – Vitiligo

Six hundred and ninety five (695) patients suffering from leucoderma were registered for treatment at Gaurang Clinic & Centre for Homoeopathic Research, Lucknow from April 1996 to March 2001 out of which a total of five hundred and sixty (560) patients were available for proper follow up of treatment and analysis to assess the percent response by treatment with homoeopathic drugs.

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Dr. Hahnemann’s Science & Art – Homoeopathy – Which Ensures Health Safely

April 10th is a day marked with golden letters in the history of Medical Science and eventually a great day for the mankind. This was the day in1755 when the Genius known as Dr. Christian Samuel Fredrich Hahnemann, the ultimate Father of homoeopathy was born.

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Birth of Nature Cure and Its Beliefs Starts at Home!

In the beginning of the earth, the home remedy is the first cure in the history of Medicine, which started with grass, fruits, nuts, leaves, and other medicinal plants and trees. Most of the places the cure starts from the parents to the children or the traditional healer of the village, where the people have the belief. Many home remedies have great values in common. Like the modern, in home remedies also there is harmful or risky in its effects. So to do no harm to your body, use home remedies, if you are sure they are safe and know exactly how to use them. So, always to follow a better Herbalists in your area.

Viability of Homeopathic treatment in case of tuberculosis

Viability of Homeopathic treatment in case of tuberculosis

In 1991, New York City experienced an outbreak of MDR TB that eventually claimed more than 500 lives. Recently, a MDR TB outbreak in Russia has killed many more. WHO has recommended a new treatment method ‘DOTS’ (Directly Observed Treatment, Short course) after the resurgence of the tuberculosis and increased incidence of drug resistant tuberculosis.