Every person can eat rice daily even suffering from diabetes. At first remove starch after making rice. After this again boil the rice with water and again remove the starch. In this way we remove maximum starch from rice.
MRSA :: Measures to reduce the spread of MRSA
Pennsylvania, US is a National leader in curbing spread of healthcare-associated infections. Pennsylvania health department suggests measures to reduce the spread of ‘MRSA’, superbug hospital infections.
Oyster :: FDA expands warning on eating raw oysters from Hood Canal in Washington State
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to eat raw oysters harvested from an additional part (growing area 5) of the southern tip of Hood Canal in Washington state due to a foodborne illness outbreak caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria.
MRSA :: UCLA researchers awarded $9M contract for study identifiying antibiotic treatment for MRSA
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded a UCLA research team a five-year, $9 million contract to fund a multicenter study investigating antibiotic treatments for MRSA, a staph infection seen increasingly in communities across the nation that is resistant to antibiotics most commonly used to treat skin infections.
Oyster :: Avoid Eating Raw Oysters from Southern Tip of Hood Canal in Washington State
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to eat raw oysters harvested from an area of the southern tip of Hood Canal in Washington after an outbreak of illness caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria.
HIV :: HIV in breast milk killed by flash-heating
A simple method of flash-heating breast milk infected with HIV successfully inactivated the free-floating virus, according to a new study led by researchers at the Berkeley and Davis campuses of the University of California.
Asthma :: Drinking farm milk reduces childhood asthma & allergies
Drinking farm milk can protect children against asthma and hayfever, according to a study of nearly 15,000 children published in the May issue of Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
Food :: Food preparation may play a bigger role in chronic disease than was previously thought
How your food is cooked may be as important to your health as the food itself. Researchers now know more about a new class of toxins that might soon become as important a risk factor for heart disease and metabolic disorders as trans fats.
E Coli :: Drinking water free of contamination – Vancouver
More than a week after a violent rainstorm forced murky water into Greater Vancouver’s reservoirs, the region’s drinking water has been declared free of contamination, public health officials said.
Health :: Park your car and walk to store, school, work
New Saint Louis University research that outlines the top 10 factors that encourage people to be physically active is a blueprint to design healthier communities.