The Hamamelidae is one of the most important families in the Plant Kingdom and yet often not well known. Including diverse remedies such as Birch, Beech, Walnut, Oak, Elm, Witch Hazel, Stinging Nettle and Hemp (Cannabis sativa).
Eye :: Discovery of retinal cell type ends 4-decade search
A research team combining high-energy physicists from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and neuroscientists from the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calif., has discovered a type of retinal cell that may help monkeys, apes, and humans see motion. The team’s work appears in the October 10 issue of Journal of Neuroscience.
Common Cold :: Echinacea can prevent a cold
Echinacea, a medicinal herb, and other herbal echinacea supplements can reduce the risk of catching a coomon cold by 58 percent and the duration of colds by a day-and-a-half, confirmed by researchers.
Parenting :: Generational changes in parenting styles
A trend in Australia towards a more lenient and democratic child rearing style is reflected in a pilot study published in Swinburne?s latest E-Journal of Applied Psychology (E-JAP).
Gene :: A relative of anti-aging gene Klotho also influences metabolic activity, obesity
A relative of the anti-aging gene Klotho helps activate a hormone that can lower blood glucose levels in fat cells of mice, making it a novel target for developing drugs to treat human obesity and diabetes, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have found.
Leukemia :: Antioxidant found in many foods and red wine is potent and selective killer of leukemia cells
A naturally occurring compound found in many fruits and vegetables as well as red wine, selectively kills leukemia cells in culture while showing no discernible toxicity against healthy cells, according to a study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
Homeopathy :: New Delhi celebrating Hahnemann’s Birthday
Samuel Christian Hahnemann created and developed the system called homeopathy. It is also known as similia similibus curentor or “let like be cured by like.”.
Epilepsy :: Eslicarbazepine a new drug for epilepsy treatment
A new drug called Eslicarbazepine (ESL) shows promise as a treatment for epilepsy patients whose symptoms remain uncontrolled with existing medications.
Allergies :: Fruits, vegetables and nuts protects against allergic rhinitis and asthma
Eating a healthy diet including plenty of fruits and nuts could help protect children from respiratory allergies, allergic rhinitis and asthma.
Mediterranean diet :: Mediterranean diet wards off asthma, respiratory allergies
A Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables and nuts protects against allergic rhinitis and asthma symptoms, suggests research published ahead of print in Thorax.