The Hamamelidae is one of the most important families in the Plant Kingdom and yet often not well known. Including diverse remedies such as Birch, Beech, Walnut, Oak, Elm, Witch Hazel, Stinging Nettle and Hemp (Cannabis sativa).
On August 18, in a webinar, Dr. Morrison and Dr. Herrick will help to bring these homeopathic medicines alive.
Using a case based approach to understanding, they will explore the themes and provide comparisons between the remedies.
Dr. Morrison and Dr. Herrick are internationally renowned for their skills in teaching and their capacity to convey the heart of homeopathic medicines to their students.
About Dr. Morrison
Dr. Morrison grew up in Tennessee and attended medical school there, graduating in 1978. In his early career, he worked as an emergency room physician for several years. During this time Dr. Morrison also did much of the preparatory work for his calling as a homeopath.
In 1978, while still in medical training, Dr. Morrison attended his first seminar on homeopathy in Athens. It was at this seminar that he determined to study at the Athenian Center for Homeopathic Medicine – the foremost center for homeopathy in the world. This center was created and run by the world’s most renowned homeopath – George Vithoulkas.
Dr. Morrison spent four years learning to speak Greek and then completed a two year fellowship at the center in Athens. During his stay, Dr. Morrison became one of the top assistants at the center, eventually earning the prestigious diploma of the Athenian Center.
Upon completion of his fellowship in 1984, Dr. Morrison returned to the United States to assist in the establishment of the Hahnemann Medical Clinic and the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy. He divides his time between his practice at the clinic, teaching at the college and at other institutions and writing. Dr. Morrison lectures throughout the world on many aspects of homeopathy.
Dr. Morrison has published some 20 articles in homeopathic journals throughout the world since 1984. He has also presented papers before the International LIGA of homeopathy. In 1993, Dr. Morrison completed work on his first textbook, Desktop Guide. These books have become standard text at most homeopathic colleges in the country and are translated into five languages and are used by homeopaths throughout the world. In 1999 he published his second text The Desktop Companion.
Books by Roger Morrison include:
Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms
Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology
About Dr. Nancy Herrick
Nancy Herrick was one of the members of the now historic Bay Area Homeopathic Study Group. She had her first job in health care at the Bay Area Women’s Health Collective. At the Hering Family Health Clinic in 1974, Ms. Herrick began her 27 years as a homeopath.
In 1985, she was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the Hahnemann Medical Clinic and the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy. Her main homeopathic teachers have been George Vithoulkas and Rajan Sankaran.
Ms. Herrick is a widely respected homeopath and homeopathic educator. She began her extensive career as a lecturer in 1983 with the International Foundation for Homeopathy. Since that time she has lectured throughout Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand and India. She has published widely both in the United States and abroad.
For a period of five years, Ms. Herrick was extensively involved in research developing new homeopathic medications including Lac Equinum and Lac Delphinum as well as fifteen other remedies. She has published eight of these studies in her book Animal Mind, Human Voices.
Then on the heels of her animal provings, she published a new book on plants, Sacred Plants, Human Voices. This work is a much needed addition to the materia medica. It offers a deeper understanding of Lotus, Ginseng, Peyote, Ayahuasca, Mandragora, and Rose.