The Noble gases (Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon) are some of the least prescribed homeopathic medicines in the materia medica. Jeremy Sherr has been researching and writing about the Noble Gases since 1993, when he first published his proving of Neon. He will be publishing his first book in a series on these remedies, Helium, in 2012.
On September 8, in a webinar, Dr. Jeremy Sherr will be exploring the themes of the Noble Gases, comparing them to each other as well as to other homeopathic remedies. This unique family will be explored, based not on speculation but on the correct homeopathic sequence of provings followed by perception and through clinical cases.
Of this work Jeremy said: “this work is an opus, and by far the most difficult intellectual challenge I have ever undertaken.” Jeremy Sherr has practiced and taught homoeopathy for 31 years and for the last 3 years Jeremy has been living in Tanzania, Africa. He has worked with more than 1500 AIDS patients.
Homoeopathy found him 23 years ago, and Jeremy began formal studies at the College of Homoeopathy, London, in 1980. He completed a degree simultaneously in Acupuncture at the International College of Oriental Medicine. Though he has practiced homoeopathy exclusively since 1982, his knowledge of Chinese Medicine shines through his homoeopathic thinking.
Mr. Sherr began teaching while still in college. He taught in most of the British schools, and began his Dynamis School in 1987. It is the longest running post-graduate course in the UK.
Jeremy has taught the Dynamis curriculum throughout Europe and North America, and is a popular lecturer worldwide. He maintains a busy practice in London, Tel Aviv, and New York.
He was the first to re-develop the science and art of provings after a century of near silence. In 1982 he conducted his first proving of Scorpion, and has since completed 21 thorough provings.
He has written The Dynamics and Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings, which has become a standard textbook in most colleges and the basis of worldwide proving guidelines. It has been translated into French, German, and Russian.
He was awarded a fellowship from the Society of Homoeopaths in 1991 and a Ph.D. from Medicina Alternativa. He is a Member of the North American Society of Homoeopaths, and is an honorary professor of Yunan Medical College, Kunming, China.
In 2008, Jeremy began working in Tanzania on the ‘Homoeopathy for Health in Africa’ project, specifically intended to help patients with AIDS. Click here for a PDF file of a letter he wrote in December 2008 about the project. You can also stay up-to-date about Jerermy’s work in Africa through his blog about the project.
Books of Jeremy Sherr, available from our bookstore:
Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings
Dynamic Provings Vol 1
Dynamic Provings Vol 2
Dynamic Materia Medica – Syphilis
Can any student participate in the webinar or must you be part of a larger group? I would like to view these.
Thanks for posting.