Malaria :: New findings in the fight against malaria

Malaria research scientists from around the globe have published new insights into the international burden of malaria and what can be done about it. The new data are presented in a supplement to the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene titled “The Intolerable Burden of Malaria II: What’s New What’s Needed”.

Hypertension :: Inhaled nitrite help babies suffering in a low-oxygen state

Scientists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center and the Loma Linda University School of Medicine have found that use of an inhaled nitrite spray may help babies diagnosed with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Premature newborns and those with pneumonia or heart problems often develop PPHN. This often-fatal disease causes high blood pressure in an infant’s lungs and places the baby in a low-oxygen state. The collaborative study findings are reported in “Nature Medicine”.

Weight Loss :: The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Weight Loss

Although different people have weight problems for different reason, these 5 tips address fundamental lifestyle habits that affect virtually everyone. The really good news is that these 5 powerful tips are easy to implement and can bring about great changes in your life and health once in place.

Allergies :: The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Allergies

In a healthy body, the allergic response serves to protect against invasion by harmful agents. Secretions and inflammation help our immune cells get into the affected tissue, dilute the toxic agent and help wash it away. “Allergies” become a health problem when an excessive and unwanted allergic response occurs to particles that are part of our normal environment and are not actually dangerous to the body.

Homeopathy :: Homoeopathy and its miracles – an alternative medicine

Homoeopathy (=homeopathy) is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature?s Law of Cure, namely ?Like Cures Like?. A german scientist Dr. Samuel Hanhnemann in 1796 has been verified experimentally and clinically for 200 yrs discovered the truth of this law. Homoeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science. Homoeopathy is a gentle and effective system of medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body?s own healing power.

HIV :: United States discriminates against HIV+ people

While nearly a million HIV+ American citizens enjoy the freedom to leave and travel outside their country, the United States government prohibits HIV+ individuals from other countries entry to the United States! Without a doubt, this ban is the most blatant display of discrimination against HIV+ people to date! This ban continues to fuel discrimination, while a worldwide community strives to stop the stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV and AIDS!

Hair Care :: Hairfall, Baldness, Hair loss, Alopecia and Dandruff

Today, in the fast moving world of competition, it has become extremely important to be presentable so as to get noticed or one gets swayed away in the world. As we know beauty is skin deep but an appealing outer persona can give an extra boost to one?s confidence.

HIV :: HIV & AIDS – Naturopathic Physicians

HIV :: HIV & AIDS – Naturopathic Physicians

In many countries throughout the world, people are going to naturopathic physicians when faced with a health issue. Unfortunately, where I live in Vancouver, (British Columbia, Canada) the government is planning to cut back the scope of naturopathic medicine by imposing controls on what a naturopathic physician can and cannot do. The B.C. government does not allow naturopathic physicians to have access to medical labs and x-rays or to prescribe medications. The proposed changes include limiting the ability of naturopathic physicians to perform physical exams, diagnose and treat food allergies and place severe restrictions on the medicines ND’s use to treat patients. We must not lose the right of choice and the right to choose!

Obesity :: Theories on obesity – excess body weight

Obesity is a state in which there is generalised accumulation of excess adipose tissue in the body leading to more than 20%of the desirable weight. Obesity invites disabilty, disease and premature d eath. Excess body weight is a hindrance, leading to breathlessness on moderate exertion and predisposes a person to diseases like atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, gall bladder diseases and osteoarthiritis of weight bearing joint and varicose veins.