Gangrene treatment – new ways to cure gangrene

Gangrene treatment – new ways to cure gangrene

Gangrene is localized soft-tissue death (necrosis) from prolonged blood-supply blockage. It can occur in atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, or decubitus ulcer, and after severe burns or frostbite.

New research studies are finding different new ways to treat gangrene to save body parts.

Gangrene is a dreadful disease in which the profession has failed to offer much in the way of relief for these patients.

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Garlic :: Garlic hope in infection fight

Garlic has been hailed a wonder drug for centuries and has been used to prevent gangrene, treat high blood pressure, ward off common colds and is even believed by some to have cancer-fighting properties.

Implant Device Designed to Prevent Blood Clots in Vascular Grafts

Surgeons at the Methodist DeBakey Heart Center in Houston were among the first in the U.S. to implant a new vascular graft engineered to reduce the risk of blood clots in patients treated for peripheral arterial disease (PAD), which affects as many as 12 million Americans over the age of 50.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Secale – Ergot

Indicated in septic conditions, as puerperal mania; in diarrhoea of a grave character, dysentery, Asiatic cholera; in passive haemorrhages; in gangrene (senile). In all these the serious nature of the affection is shown by evidence of collapse, foulness of discharges, suppression of urine, unquenchable thirst, coldness of the body to touch, haemorrhagic tendency. Also of value in spinal disease with cramping, formication and numbness, and loss of motor power.

Gangrene :: A chronic disease – gangrene

Gangrene is the term used to describe the decay or death of an organ or tissue caused by a lack of blood supply. It is a complication resulting from infectious or inflammatory processes, injury, or degenerative changes associated with chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus.

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