Hyperhidrosis :: Excessive sweating – Hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a dysfunction of the pseudo motor center, the center in the brain that controls the body temperature, which promotes excessive stimuli to sweat glands in specific areas, independent of physiological necessity. The cause is unknown. Hyperhidrosis can occur in any part, but the hands, the feet, the underarms, and the face, in isolation or in combination, are the most affected areas.

Renew Yourself this Spring: Ayurvedic Internal Cleansing for Good Health

Ayurvedic healers highly recommend periodic internal cleansing as a way to maintain good health and prevent disorders from taking root in the physiology. Just like you regularly flush out the plumbing system in your home or change the oil in your automobile engine, periodically helping your body flush toxins out thoroughly is a good maintenance technique that will help organs and systems stay more efficient for a longer period of time. Especially after the age of 40, when your body’s own cleansing and rejuvenating capability starts slowing down, supporting it with a cleansing regime is important for ongoing health and vitality.

Diabetes :: Diabetic gangrenous foot – Sulphuric Acid, Arsenic Album

Mr. J.M. from East Africa came to me with post surgical large wound of the right foot. The First metatarsal and second metatarsal bone?s head being exposed and infected. The third toe being gangrenous (totally black) and the surrounding skin with thick gangrenous margin. The third toe totally gangrenous and rest of wound with secondary infection. I did start with homeopathic medicine Ars. Alb. 1000 3 hourly but the surgery was to be designed to my choice. The decreased vascularisation improved within 48 hours as per Non- Visualising Doppler study.

Diabetes :: Diabetic great toe – Arsenic Album

Mr. A.H.Q., aged 70 years, came with the great toe amputation at South Africa of his right foot with the H/O Cardiac By-pass Surgery. The Cardiac by-pass Surgery was done as preparation for the amputation of the great toes and finally go for B/K amputation. In fact the blood circulation was poor all over.

Eye :: Retinal Detachment and Homoeopathy

I have a few cases of retinal detachment running into the OPD of our hospital. I have seen a marvelous role of Naphthalinum in this line. The potency most frequently used in these cases is 3x, the next one being 30c. some other remedies of choice have been Digitalis, Aur met, Jaborandi and Ruta. To understand it well, we should make a study on retinal detachment first.

Ulceration of Cervix – Suppressed Menstruation – Sulphur

E G., aged about 30 years. Has been an invalid for years, under the care of an allopathic gynecologist, who treated her for ulceration of the cervix. He had succeeded in healing the ulcers by local cauterizations, etc., but the canal had become so narrow that for a year he had been obliged to introduce a catheter to draw off the menstrual fluid. Finally it became so closed that he could not introduce the instrument at all.