Diabetes :: Diabetic great toe – Arsenic Album

Mr. A.H.Q., aged 70 years, came with the great toe amputation at South Africa of his right foot with the H/O Cardiac By-pass Surgery. The Cardiac by-pass Surgery was done as preparation for the amputation of the great toes and finally go for B/K amputation. In fact the blood circulation was poor all over.

True, the picture does depict the book picture of a Diabetic Foot but with some sign.

The head of the first metatarsal bone is covered up with green pussy slough. This Green slough was detected to be Pseudomonas on Culture Sensitive Anti-biotic Test. This made me to think what next? In spite of various good indicated remedies like Arenic Alb., Hepar Sulp., Kali Suph., Pulsatilla., the slough would not yield to the treatment . On the contrary it started spreading and the situation worsened. The Surgeon and Physician friends started pressurising me for Anti-biotic called Ceftazidine (Commonly known as FORTUM). I understand in normal conditions of chronic ailment it would have been not difficult for me to wait and watch as a Homoeopath. Whereas here the patient might have gone into other complication like Renal failure and worst was amputation.

I preferred to read Principles of Internal Medicine authored by non other than Dr. Harrison (Read Details of Pathology of Pseudomonas). This gave me the clue similar to Dr. Hahnemann?s words or in fact it was Dr. Hahnemann?s reminder to me saying forget not Vital Force.

I immediately ordered for blood investigation i.e. C.B.C. and to my expectation the HB% was 7.5 g/dl. I preferred for blood transfusion. I gave 3 bottles of whole blood against the wish of my Physician friend. The patient being old the Physician wanted to give Pack Cell.

In the mean time I had already returned back to my Ars. Alb. 1000 every one hourly once again with full confidence. As the patient was totally meticulous, fastidious, particular in every respect with fear of incurable disease. The cadaveric smell with burning sensation and better by covering. The wound improved and aggressive debridement of the infected parts was conducted by my Surgeon friend on my instruction as per my method and choice.

The spreading cellulitis of the center of foot disappeared. The sloughs vanished and small incision was done on the healthy granulated part of the wound anteriorly to unload the wound.

The whole wound with the gangrenous margin closed as shown in the after treatment picture. The foot was salvaged without further surgery.


Dr. Prabhakar Shetty L.C.E.H. (Bom.)
Consultant Homoeopath
(Specialised in Diabetic Foot & Gangrene)
1 / Kanti Mahal, Telli Galli, Opp. Hotel Imperial Palace, Andheri (East),
Mumbai – 400 069.
Phone: 91-22 – 2684 2436 / 2684 0255
Time: 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. & 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed.
Wednesday: 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. (By Appointment only)
Web Site www.diabeticfootgangrene.com e-mail sdfoot@vsnl.com

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