Diabetes :: Diabetic great toe – Arsenic Album

Mr. A.H.Q., aged 70 years, came with the great toe amputation at South Africa of his right foot with the H/O Cardiac By-pass Surgery. The Cardiac by-pass Surgery was done as preparation for the amputation of the great toes and finally go for B/K amputation. In fact the blood circulation was poor all over.

Diabetes :: Diabetic foot (gangrene) is curable

We Homoeopaths have been claiming about curing the diseases among ourselves since ages, but conveniently forgetting how to convince the other school of science i.e. allopathic world now claiming to be a modern science. This modern science with the help of other pharmaceutical companies and the world of electricity along with other measures like C.T. SCAN, MRI, 2-D, ECHO including angiography proving themselves as a part of their own world whereas it is totally false.

Eye :: Retinal Detachment and Homoeopathy

I have a few cases of retinal detachment running into the OPD of our hospital. I have seen a marvelous role of Naphthalinum in this line. The potency most frequently used in these cases is 3x, the next one being 30c. some other remedies of choice have been Digitalis, Aur met, Jaborandi and Ruta. To understand it well, we should make a study on retinal detachment first.

Constipation – main cause for Piles n Ano Rectal problems

A rtd. Army personnel has been noticing some discharge & occasional blood from the rectum for quite some time though he had already underwent Operation for Fistula in Ano in the past. He had been living with it thinking that perhaps nothing much can be done now till he was examined & told that apart from the Fistula he has Rectal Polyp also.

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Avascular Necrosis & Homoeopathy

Bone is living tissue that provides shape and support for the body, as well as protection for some organs. Bone also serves as a storage site for minerals and provides the medium – marrow – for the development and storage of blood cells. Because the functions of bone are numerous and complex, there are many disorders that require clinical care by a physician or other healthcare professional.

Misconceptions about Homoeopathy

In the present era after getting fed up with the unwanted effects and reactions of the so called modern medicine, a large number of people are seen converging towards Homoeopathy in prospect that Homoeopathic medicines are safer and cause no or little side effects. There are still numerous false notions that hinder the acceptance of Homoeopathy in general public.