Diabetes :: Diabetic foot (gangrene) is curable

We Homoeopaths have been claiming about curing the diseases among ourselves since ages, but conveniently forgetting how to convince the other school of science i.e. allopathic world now claiming to be a modern science. This modern science with the help of other pharmaceutical companies and the world of electricity along with other measures like C.T. SCAN, MRI, 2-D, ECHO including angiography proving themselves as a part of their own world whereas it is totally false.

Now instead of finding their fault and weak points which either way does not matter to them, but, does matter to them when a Homoeopath brings a cure in his own scientific way, though acceptable to the homoeopathic and the human kind still mockingly discarded by the world of Allopathy with the help of few words which is applicable to the literal world but not to the scientific world. Alas! We Homoeopaths too have been succumbing to these words SPONTENEOUS, TRANSIENT and REMISSION. Moreover we Homoeopaths are to be held totally responsible to these allegation because we have yet to retaliate the world of Allopathy in their own language.

Convincing ourselves is a matter of negligence, moreover our world of Homoeopaths have been complicating the scientific reasoning by manipulating the theories given by master to benefit their own selves, in the bargain we Homoeopaths have been doubly claimed to be quack, that is why to prove our science as an absolute authentic science, I have picked up a topic called DIABETIC FOOT (Gangrene).

To emphasis more, let me make it clear while treating Diabetic Foot cases for 20 years, I have come to the conclusion that most of the homoeopathic teachers or a lecturers glamorizes Homoeopathy beyond it?s limitations, which in fact gives more room to suspicion. How? Instead of speaking our true limitations, which is the quality of allopathic world at least in books, which is mostly not found among we recent Homoeopaths (qualified Homoeopaths). In 20 years I have yet to come across a single case of true Diabetes Mellitus being cured by Homoeopathy other than the stress induced one?s may be mental or physical stress. But this has been a hot topic among we Homoeopaths, thus the cause of destruction of homoeopathic world . Exactly it is this mistake of we Homoeopaths has all the more encouraged the allopathic world to tease the Homoeopaths as a quack, but look at the divine gift that Homoeopathy cures all the complications of diabetes. In other words instead of running after one topic Diabetes Mellitus (which is not curable as per our master, may be palliative.. THE CHRONIC MIASMA / PSORA AND PSEUDO-PSORA by J.HENRY ALLEN M.D. page No. 68) The exact page reads this:


and pick up bad name to our science, let us follow the various complications of diabetes and bring glory to our science. Among all of them Diabetic Foot and Gangrene being not only unique but also very interesting and convincing to everybody in the world. Interestingly the version is exactly opposite to the world of Allopathy, they treat diabetes or rather control it, but helpless with various complication of it.

To end up this subject Diabetic Foot and Gangrene can be taught for 3-6 months to every homoeopathic student, specially the skill of manipulating the foot wound (Surgically) in diabetics. This skilful art of Homoeopathy I wish to spread among the other world of Homoeopaths. To speak the truth and teach the limitation of both sciences, which in turn gives authenticity to Homoeopathy, also respect to every Homoeopath. I have devised my own approach to cure Diabetic Foot and Gangrene.

I combine Homoeopathy, Surgery and Insulin. Let us all not forget Homoeopathy brings and maintains blood supply to the limbs through Collaterals arteries when the prime artery or arteries are blocked.

Above all this should enlighten every Homoeopath, Surgeon and Physician that the combination of the 3 services does not antagonize but may harmonize therapy in certain difficult conditions like Diabetic Foot and Gangrene.

P.S. By Homoeopaths I do not mean each and everyone but most of them.

Dr. Prabhakar Shetty L.C.E.H. (Bom.)
Consultant Homoeopath
(Specialised in Diabetic Foot & Gangrene)
1 / Kanti Mahal, Telli Galli, Opp. Hotel Imperial Palace, Andheri (East),
Mumbai – 400 069.
Phone: 91-22 – 2684 2436 / 2684 0255
Time: 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. & 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed.
Wednesday: 5.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. (By Appointment only)
Web Site www.diabeticfootgangrene.com e-mail sdfoot@vsnl.com

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