Nasal polyps are small, sac-like growths consisting of inflamed nasal mucosa. Nasal polyps appear in a number of conditions. The polyps originate near the ethmoid sinuses (located at the top of the nose) and grow into the open areas. Large polyps can obstruct the airway.
Children with nasal polyps sound congested and often breathe through their mouths because of chronic nasal obstruction. A runny nose or infected nose is common.
Polyps are seen with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), chronic sinus infections, and cystic fibrosis. About 1 in 4 people with cystic fibrosis have nasal polyps.
Nasal Polyps Symptoms & Signs
Nasal obstruction
Mouth breathing
Voice-sounds as if person is congested
Having any of the following conditions indicate a susceptibility to nasal polyps:
Hay fever
Sinus infections
Cystic fibrosis
Nasal Polyps Prevention
There is no known prevention.
Nasal Polyps Diagnosis & Tests
Nasal examination reveals a grayish grape-like mass within the nasal cavity.
Nasal Polyps Prognosis (Expectations)
Surgical removal usually allows easier breathing through the nose.
Nasal Polyps Complications
Nasal polyps may recur.
Nasal Polyps Treatment
Surgery to remove the polyps may be recommended if the condition is tormenting.
Homoeopathic Management
Teucrium marum verum
SAMUEL – Polypi: nasal, vaginal, in ears. Fibroid tumors.
HERING- Relations – Compare : Cina (ascarides); Ignat. (hiccough, ascarides); Nux vom. (nervous phenomena); Kali bich. (nasal catarrh); Phosphor., Sanguin. Silica (nasal polypi); Valer. (nervous phenomena).
Boy, aet. 11, for three years; nasal polypi.
Girl, aet. 14, nervous temperament, quickened growth, slender, pale face, light hair, blue eyes; tumor on left lower lid.
Boy, aet. 15, nasal polypi. Polypi of all kinds, particularly nasal fibroids.
Polypi in ear and nose, especially among old and middle aged women. Twenty years” standing : loss of smell. For thirty years : nasal polypi removed every two or three years by operative mean
Fleshy polypi hanging from both nares, agg during damp weather; entire obstruction of nose at times; much discharge of water and mucus from nose.
For thirty years, nasal polypi removed every two or three years by operative means; nasal bones on left side pressed asunder; judging from sensations complained of by patient, polypus extended up to ethmoid bone, into choanae and into antrum of Highmore; after two months” treatment could breathe freely through nose, and the sense of smell which had been impaired for last twenty years was restored, a small portion of polypus, however, remained high up in nasal cavity.
BOGER – Nose -Sticking tearing high up in.
Sensation as tho” one nostril, were half obstructed. Nasal polypi. Frequent sneezing, with crawling in, without coryza. Coryza with stopped nostrils. Glasses make the nose sore.
Lemna minor
SAMUEL – Catarrh of nose with nasal polypi, swollen nostrils. Atrophic rhinitis.
Nose blocked with polypi became almost cleared with Lemna ? after Calc. 200, followed by Merc. 3 (given for faceache); previously Lemna ? had been given without effect.
CLARKE – Symptoms. – 5. Nose. – Nasal polypi in man, 60; markedly < in wet weather; after taking Lemna 3x gtt. v three times a day for a month said, “That is the best tonic I have ever taken”; and he could breathe quite comfortably. Polypi which swell in wet weather.
Burnett has recorded several cases of polypus in which immense relief was given by Lemna by shrinkage of the swelling, but not actual cure.
On this Cooper remarks: “In bad cases of nasal polypi the tendency is to the growths filling up the cavities formed by removal, and, consequently, relief often appears temporary, when the case only requires repetition of the Unit Dose.”
BOERICKE – catarrhal remedy.
Acts especially upon the nostrils. Nasal polypi; swollen turbinates. Atrophic rhinitis. Asthma from nasal obstruction; worse in wet weather.
HERING – Stages of Life, Constitution – Youth, aet. 18; nasal polypi. Touch, Passive Motion, Injuries- Touch: spot beneath vertex painful; around eyes and nose sensitive; superciliary ridge sensitive; pressing pain in vertex; roots of hair painful; pimples on forehead painful; scalp sore; stump of eye very sensitive; forehead painful; nose sore to touch after nosebleed; nasal polypi sore when touched; scalp very sore; gland tender; region of stomach sensitive; hypochondria tender; bowels tender; tendons forming boundaries of popliteal space sensitive.
Nasal polypi, Schreter, Rock.
Sanguinaria canadensis
SAMUEL – Redness and burning of cheek; flushed face. Sensation as if nostrils were stopped; blowing on sneezing does not remove obstruction; nasal polypi.
Polypi, nasal and uterine. Carbuncles; warts; fungous excrescences.
Roundish or oval, whitish or raised patches of mucous membrane of nose, mouth, prepuce and anus.
Polypi of larynx and nasal fossae. Ulcerative ozaena with epistaxis.
Chronic nasal catarrh with offensive discharges. Nasal polypi.
ALLEN – Laryngeal or nasal polypi (Sang. n., Psor., Teuc.).
BOERICKE – Nose – Ozaena, with profuse, offensive yellowish discharges.
Nasal polypi. Coryza, followed by diarrhoea.
CLARKE – Symptoms. – 25. Skin. – Nasal polypi; fungus excrescences.
Jaundice. Laryngeal and nasal polypi, Sang. n., Pso., Teuc.
HERING – Smell and Nose – Nasal polypi; they bleed easily.
Point of nose red and shining. Fanlike motion of alae nasi. Freckles on nose.
Kalium bichromicum
HERING – Smell and Nose – Nasal polypi, recent or of long standing.
Thick, dark red blood from nose; irregular, small, contracted pulse.
Nasal lupus.
Large pieces of a mucous polypus were blown out and dropping of water ceased. ? Polypus.
Nasal polypi. Burning in edges of nose and lips. ? Coryza.
Calcarea phosphorica
HERING – Tissues – Large pedunculated nasal polypi; polypi of rectum and uterus.
Ozaena scrofulosa.
Large pedunculated nasal polypi.
Swollen nose with sore nostrils, small abscesses, ulcers, in scrofulous children.
Ozaena after suppressed itch.
Calcarea carbonica
HERING – Smell and Nose – Nasal polypi, with loss of smell.
Great liability to catarrhs. ? Coryza.
Allium cepa
CLARKE – Symptoms. – 5. Nose – A sort of hay-fever every August, morning coryza, violent sneezing, sensitive to the odour of flowers and skin of peaches.
Nasal polypi.
BOGER – Nose. -Nasal and aural polypi. Ulcerated nostrils.
Formica rufa
BOERICKE – Head – Nasal polypi.
Polypi of the nose (usually with the loss of the power of smelling); these may extend also through the nasal passages into the fauces.
ALLEN – Hearing and Ears – Sense of smell, weak, lost.
(c) Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
Homoeo Cure & Research Centre P. Ltd.
N.H. 74, Moradabad Road, Kashipur- 244713, Uttaranchal
Ph. 05947- 260327, 274338, 277418, 275535
Fax – 91 5947 274338, Cell – 98 370 48594
E. Mail-
i hv problem in nose regarding polyps can you suggest me permanent solution in Homeo to get rid of it due to that i hv sinus problem also there is no other problem any where all over only this problem doesn’t allow me to do any work perfectly i m 65+ yr old due to this i m enable to do any attendance
if you can suggest permanent solution pl let me know the name detail with power of medicine i hv
to use.
awaiting your valued reply
with thanks in advance
AC Jain