Diet :: Eating habits among children

A healthy diet is very important for the development of good health during the early years of life. A faulty lifestyle and especially faulty food can lead to an unhealthy adult and therefore an unhealthy society and nation.

Psychology :: Homoeopathy in Paediatrics & Child Psychology

Knowledge of psychology is an asset for a homoeopath. As homoeopaths we treat the individual child by taking his mental, emotional and physical generals and particulars. Our masters Dr. Hahnemann and Dr. Kent had laid stress in their teachings that the mental symptoms are the most important. Interpretation of physical activity or symptom into a mental symptom or its reflection is very difficult task which is not possible unless one has acquired sufficient vision towards human psychology.

Pregnancy :: Survival of the fittest – pregnancy or abortion

Reproduction is one of the basic characteristics of a living organism. By this mode it not only maintains its own harmony but also helps in propagation of its own kind. In mammals, pregnancy is the hallmark of reproduction and in humans in particular a female takes 9 months to let the fetus grow in her womb so that it becomes viable and can live or can endure the circumstances outside the womb, of course still under parents love and care.

Plight of young indian doctors in UK

Life is precious. Every person has a genuine interest in excelling in their career and to secure a promising future. There is nothing different about the medical professional too, as they are constantly looking forward for a better future, as other professionals in India. The career overseas, especially UK looks promising for many to start with.

HIV :: Out about HIV in Mexico City

I have been living with HIV for 20 years and for a decade now, I have been OUT publicly about my being infected with HIV. My work creating awareness globally has provided for many people, a face living with HIV and has helped to bring hope to people infected that they too can live!

What do we mean by case taking

To find out the most similimum drug after getting the totality (qualitative & quantitative data) of the given case. With a good case taking more than half the battle is won. Dr Hahnemann has clearly mentioned some instructions regarding case taking in the 5th edition of Organon’s Aphorism no.43-104, 139-141,150-152,147-171.Also in the aphorism no he has cautioned us to be unprejudiced observer. That means; before case taking, the physician should be unconditioned with respect to his moods, unbiased with respect to his drugs, flexible like amoeba to take 100% impression. This and above all we should be a KEEN OBSEVER.

World Homoeopathy Day Celebrated

On the occasion of 249th Birth Anniverssary of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the father of Homoeopathy also called world Homoeopathy Day all over the Globe on 10th April 2004 , A special Free Homoeopathic Camp was Organised at OVIHAMS (Sh.Om-Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences) at RL-1,Ganga Ram Vatika,Tilak Nagar on Saturday for 3 Hrs. between 1.30 to 4.30 pm.

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Ayurveda :: Eating for Balance – Ayurvedic Guidelines for Good Digestion

In ayurveda, diet and digestion are accorded equal importance in maintaining good health. Just as choosing improper foods for your constitution can lead to imbalances, following improper routines and habits can wreak havoc on your digestion, turning even carefully chosen and prepared foods into ama or toxins in your system rather than ojas, the biochemical essence that supports all aspects of life, health, bliss and longevity.