Liver Cancer :: Liver Cancer and Homoeopathy

The Liver: Digestive Function of the Liver, Circulatory Function of the Liver, Microscopic Structure of the Liver, Microscopic Structure of the Liver, How Liver Cancer Develops: Carcinogenesis: Initiation, Promotion, Growth of Cancer, How Cancer is Detected, Treatment of Liver Cancer.

Widening Interest in Homoeopathy – a career perspective

In modern scientific age, out of the world-recognized systems of medicine, Homoeopathy has acquired a great advancement within a short time in India. This system of medicine is very simple, gentle, economic, non-toxic, free from side effects, and is based on the principle – Similia Similibus Curentur.

Menopause :: HRT simply has no effect

Confounding a widely held impression, a large US government study has found that hormone therapy for menopause does not affect quality of life. Women taking the drugs did not feel more energetic, or have more sexual pleasure or even more restful sleep. They were not less depressed, their minds were no clearer and their memories did not appear to have improved.

Sunstroke or Heatstroke & Homoeopathy

It is also known as Heat stroke or Heat hyperpyrexia. Very often in summers there are news in daily papers about the deaths occuring because of heat stroke. But rarely people think about this cause of death and that what it is? Why it affects and how it affects? And what measures can be taken to prevent it, and what should be done after sunstroke. This all I would like to discuss here. So that all the cases of sunstroke should not prove fatal.

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Vitiligo :: Efficacy of Homoeopathic Drugs in cases of Leucoderma – Vitiligo

Six hundred and ninety five (695) patients suffering from leucoderma were registered for treatment at Gaurang Clinic & Centre for Homoeopathic Research, Lucknow from April 1996 to March 2001 out of which a total of five hundred and sixty (560) patients were available for proper follow up of treatment and analysis to assess the percent response by treatment with homoeopathic drugs.

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