In modern scientific age, out of the world-recognized systems of medicine, Homoeopathy has acquired a great advancement within a short time in India. This system of medicine is very simple, gentle, economic, non-toxic, free from side effects, and is based on the principle – Similia Similibus Curentur.
There is considerable interest of the lay public as well as the members of other medical profession in Homoeopathy. This is true that even allopathic practitioners are the most awakened, and seek the alternative mode of therapy because of the side effects of modern drugs.
It’s a well-established fact that Homoeopathy system of medicine is well recognized by the government of India, and accepted as one of the main streams of providing health care. Pursuing career in Homoeopathy is at par with other therapeutic systems, having well standardized UG [BHMS] and PG [MD (Hom.)] Courses.
Homoeopathy & Education
Govt. of India constituted the Central Council of Homoeopathy in 1974 to implement and regulate the policies related to homoeopathic education & homoeopathic institutes. CCH, thus, approves the institutes providing homoeopathic education, and thereby maintaining prescribed standards of it.
Nearly 190 homeopathic colleges are approved for providing UG and PG courses in Homoeopathy accounting for more than 10,000 seats.
Specialization in PG courses is permitted in 7 subjects (Pediatrics, Medicine, Psychiatry, Pharmacy, Organon, Repertory, Materia Medica).
Homoeopathy & Research
In India, we have an apex body under the Union Health Ministry called the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, which is responsible to initiate, guide and conduct research in various aspects, like –
- Clinical Research
- Drug Proving Research & Clinical Verification
- Drug Standardization
- Literary Research
- Statistical Research
A vast field of research lies unexplored and offers ample scope and opportunities for research in Homoeopathy.
Homoeopathy & Jobs
After completion, one can find job in hospitals, dispensaries, colleges, research, pharmaceutical labs exploring interest in teaching, research and practice, under govt. and private sector. And, there is a considerable scope for private practice.
Homoeopathy – an avenue to success.
My tributes to the great noble soul and his contribution to society. I feel all the more better that the good deeds of his are being carried by you Dr Anil Singhal in the form of creating awareness and helping the suffering humanity through HOMOEOPATHY . As I put it this way that Homoeopathy Ensures Health Safely . May God bless his soul in peace.