Smoking :: Quit smoking homoeopathic way on no tobacco day

In the present days of Drug addiction and Abuse menace, Smoking, though considered to be a sort of minor vice, nevertheless can be the beginning also in the form of an entry to some other major vices leading to other addictions. Smoking, the act of inhaling the fumes from a burning substance, usually tobacco.

HIV :: HIV/AIDS Education

Education is paramount if we are to reach individuals infected with HIV and those living with AIDS. Obviously, our best resource is from those who are affected by the disease! Information is not reaching those most in need and there is a certain mistrust of science and medicine. People are afraid. Many have only seen or heard of people dying and many people believe the drugs will kill them. It is important that they learn from those whose lives have been saved and who have benefited from the drug treatments, renewing a quality of life they would not have had otherwise.

HIV :: The way we address HIV is cause for concern

The way we address HIV is cause for concern The truth is that there are millions of people living to whom HIV has not caused illness and death. This information brings joy and hope to the heart of any person who has ever dreaded the onset of AIDS.

Allergies :: Food additives responsible for stuffy nose, non allergic rhinitis

Intolerance to food additives might also be responsible for stuffy nose. Italian researchers found that of 226 people with persistent nasal congestion not caused by allergies, 20 had reactions to monosodium benzoate, a preservative widely used in processed foods. When these men and women followed an additive-free diet, their nasal woes waned, according to findings published in the journal Allergy.

Warts :: Homoeopathy and Warts

The warts are non-cancerous skin growths caused by a viral infection in the superior layer of the skin. These viruses are called human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are usually skin-colored and are rough to the touch, but they can be dark, flat and smooth. The appearance of a wart depends on the site where it is growing.

Fever :: Homeopathy and Fever

Raised body temperature usually with other symptoms. Body temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above is classified as fever. Normal body temperature varies amongst people, but the average is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Centigrade). If the temperature is 99 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, this may represent a low-grade fever.