Nutrition :: Eat less harmful fat, more vegetables, a healthy diet

A preliminary version of the rules for healthful eating flatly tells to cut consumption of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. The draft guidelines also warn not to eat more food than they need, to “be physically active every day,” and to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, to reduce the chance of chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease.

Smoking :: Quit smoking homoeopathic way on no tobacco day

In the present days of Drug addiction and Abuse menace, Smoking, though considered to be a sort of minor vice, nevertheless can be the beginning also in the form of an entry to some other major vices leading to other addictions. Smoking, the act of inhaling the fumes from a burning substance, usually tobacco.

HIV :: HIV/AIDS Education

Education is paramount if we are to reach individuals infected with HIV and those living with AIDS. Obviously, our best resource is from those who are affected by the disease! Information is not reaching those most in need and there is a certain mistrust of science and medicine. People are afraid. Many have only seen or heard of people dying and many people believe the drugs will kill them. It is important that they learn from those whose lives have been saved and who have benefited from the drug treatments, renewing a quality of life they would not have had otherwise.

Food additives may cause hyperactive, inattentive, short tempered behaviour

Food additives such as colourings and preservatives seem to play a “substantial” role in making young children hyperactive and prone to tantrums, new research suggests. During the study, conducted on a group of British three-year-olds, parents said their children were markedly more active, inattentive and short-tempered when fed a diet heavy in food additives and noticeably calmer when their diet was stripped of additives.

Obesity :: More weight gain during pregnancy linked to obesity risk

Women who gain more than 35 pounds during pregnancy could be more likely to be overweight 15 years later than those who gain less, new research suggests. A study of 2,342 Swedish women, presented at a European obesity conference, found that mothers who gained less during pregnancy were more successful at losing weight afterward and keeping it off.

Eczema :: Dyshydrotic eczema – Ranunculus bulbosus

Mrs. Anju, F 32 years, has had dyshydrotic eczema both palms for last 6 years. The palmer skin was dry, rough, shriveled and sore with tendency to develop tiny papules within dermis, which have severe itching and burning. These papules have tendency to develop into blisters. After scratching, the hard dry crusts were developed. At some places, the skin had become thick due to scratching. The itching was felt too deep in skin difficult to scratch it. She used to rub her palms on walls to get relief. Firm, well mannered, intelligent. Satisfied with present life and status. Irritable – easily angered. No complaint except palmer eruptions.

Hepatitis :: Herb mistletoe for hepatitis – liver disease

A herbal mixture that includes extracts of mistletoe and green tomato lead to a treatment response in patients with hepatitis C infection that does not respond to interferon therapy. Dr. Harald Matthes and colleagues assessed the outcomes of 79 hepatitis C patients who were treated with the herbal mixture. The patients had either failed to respond to interferon therapy or had a specific reason why they couldn’t receive such therapy.