Back Pain, Lumbago, backache, slip disc & Homoeopathy

In today?s scenario almost 80 percent of adults are affected by back pain at some point in their lives. Almost every family has one or more people suffered with this some time or the other. Lumbago is defined as mild to severe pain or discomfort in the area of the lower back. Weak muscles in the Back & Stomach increase the risk of Backaches . A variety of problems in the muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments, or an underlying organ, such as the kidney, may also cause backaches.

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Mental stress increases white patches of vitiligo & leucoderma

In a recent concluded Free Camp on Leucoderma / Vitiligo ( White patches) at OVIHAMS ( Sh. Om Vidya Institute of Homoeopathy & Allied Medical Sciences) RL-1, Ganga Ram Vatika, Tilak Nagar on 7th of May for 3 Hrs. it was observed that Homoeopathy has a near cure for Leucoderma patients, as it has been seen in the number of patients who have been benefited with homoeo treatment.

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Heel pain – causes & homoeopathic treatment

Heel pain is a very common problem in present era. A number of patients knock at the door of Doctors daily for heel pain only. There are so many drugs under Homoeopathy for the same and very frequent failures are there in treating heel pain, and consequently the patient turn towards another sort of treatments. This is our lack of knowledge, nothing else. To over come these problems, we must first know the basic causes for heel pain.