Eye :: Retinal Detachment and Homoeopathy

I have a few cases of retinal detachment running into the OPD of our hospital. I have seen a marvelous role of Naphthalinum in this line. The potency most frequently used in these cases is 3x, the next one being 30c. some other remedies of choice have been Digitalis, Aur met, Jaborandi and Ruta. To understand it well, we should make a study on retinal detachment first.

A Unique Experience

It is an incident I encountered at All India Homoeopathic Seminar held first time at Kanpur (1981?). During the break I was sitting at the stall of Wheezal Lab. Pvt. Ltd. whence I saw a lady, who was very dirty, she appeared as if she had been bathing in oil and had not been washing, her clothes were also in the same shape. Nearly 1600 delegates attended the seminar; most of them were strolling at the numerous stalls at that time. The aforesaid lady was begging the attention of the delegates (Homoeopathic physicians) requesting to look at her ailment and help her. But no one was paying any heed to her request.

Renal Failure :: Chronic Renal Failure & Homeopathy

For last two years, I am busy with patients suffering from renal failure, both types, acute and chronic. These include RPGN (Rapidly progressing Glomerulonephritis) or Cresentic glomerulonephritis, RPD (Renal medical or renal parenchymal disease), ATN or Acute tubular necrosis, Renal cysts, Pyelonephritis, Renal tuberculosis, Nephrolithiasis etc.

Avascular Necrosis & Homoeopathy

Bone is living tissue that provides shape and support for the body, as well as protection for some organs. Bone also serves as a storage site for minerals and provides the medium – marrow – for the development and storage of blood cells. Because the functions of bone are numerous and complex, there are many disorders that require clinical care by a physician or other healthcare professional.