Sneezing and homoeopathy

Sneezing is a sudden, forceful, involuntary burst of air through the nose and/or mouth.

Sneezing is caused by irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose or throat, can be very bothersome but is generally not a sign of a serious problem.
Common Causes
 Allergy to pollen, mold, dander, dust (allergy or hay fever)
 Virus infections (common cold, upper respiratory tract infections)
 Opiate withdrawal
 Corticosteroid inhalation

The most effective means of controlling sneezing caused by allergic diseases is avoiding exposure to the offending allergen (Removal of Causa Occasionalis).
Some suggestions to minimize exposure include:
 Removing pets from the home to avoid animal dander
 Changing furnace filters
 Using air filtration devices to minimize the concentration of airborne pollens
 Traveling to areas with low pollen counts during the critical periods
 Even changing residence to eliminate a mold spore problem may be necessary.

For sneezing not caused by an allergy, the problem will disappear when the underlying disorder is cured.

Homoeopathic Therapeutics

Aconitum nap Anxiety, fear. Sudden onsets. Fevers; sneezing; dry, swollen tonsils.
Allium cepa Hay fever; burning eyes and mouth; inflammation; mucous secretions.
Arsenicum alb Anxiety. Fear of being left alone. Cold sweats, difficult breathing.
Ambrosia artem Hay fever.
Apis mel Rashes; pain in forehead and temples; difficult breathing; itching
Belladonna Headache; sore throat; inflamed ears.
Borax Easily frightened and startled. Nausea. Vomiting. Chest pains. Sneezing.
Carbo veg Irresolution. Easily frightened. Tension in the head. Timid about
appearing in public. Frequent spells of sneeze.
Causticum Fear at night. Difficult breathing when talking. Fears dying.
Eupatorium perf Influenza; fever; diarrhoea; headache.
Euphrasia off Sneezing; runny nose.
Gelsemium Sneezing; headache; fever. Influenza; chills.
Grass Pollen Mix Hay fever.
Hydrastis Sore throat; headache; running nose; sneezing; cough.
Lachesis Cough; hoarse; nausea; vomiting.
Natrum mur Numbness and tingling sensations. Feeling of faintness in crowds.
Coryza begins with sneeze.
Nux vomica Soothes and calms.
Phosphorus Congestion in lungs.
Sabadilla Conjunctivitis; headache. Sneezing.
Sepia Sneezing with difficult breathing when excited.
Thuja Soul and body feel separated.
Valeriana For nervous affections when apparently well chosen remedies fail.

? Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma
Homoeo Cure & Research Centre P. Ltd.
N.H. 74, Moradabad Road,
Kashipur- Zip- 244713
Uttaranchal (INDIA)
Ph. 05947- 260327, 274338, 277418, 275535
Fax – 91 5947 274338, Cell – 98 371 47000
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