Heart Failure :: Men with chronic heart failure can have active sex lives

Although medication can help extend the lives of men with chronic heart failure, several factors associated with this disease can interfere with a person’s ability to engage in and enjoy sexual activities. Fatigue, depression, medication side effects and the fear of damaging the heart can cause people with chronic heart failure to lose interest in sex or wonder whether this activity is safe for them.

Back Pain :: New clinical guideline for low back pain

A summary of evidence on the diagnosis and treatment of low-back pain has prompted the American Pain Society (ASP) and the American College of Physicians (ACP) to issue a new treatment guideline. The guideline is based on a thorough analysis of published research conducted by investigators at the Oregon Evidence-Based Practice Center at Oregon Health & Science University.

Exercise :: Creatine in addition to exercise enhances strength in older adults

Lower muscle mass and an increase in body fat are common consequences of growing older. While exercise is a proven way to prevent the loss of muscle mass, a new study led by McMaster researcher Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky shows that taking a combination of creatine monohydrate (CrM) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in addition to resistance exercise training provides even greater benefits.

Premature Birth :: Low maternal cholesterol tied to premature birth

Pregnant women who have very low cholesterol may face a greater risk of delivering their babies prematurely than women with more moderate cholesterol levels, a team led by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), reported today.

Healthy :: Obesity and eating healthy foods top the list of health issues

Healthy living concerns such as obesity and eating healthy foods top the list of health issues for B.C. children aged 10 to 16 years old, according to a report presented to Health Minister George Abbott today by Child Health BC at the conclusion of the one-year public input into the Conversation on Health.

Heart Disease :: 40000 Nepalese suffering from heart diseases, Nepal

Over 40000 people of Nepal are suffering from heart diseases, according to a latest report published by the Nepal Heart Foundation (NHF). Heart diseases account for 25 per cent of the total deaths in the country, the report said.

Osteoarthritis :: Impact of physical activity on weight-bearing knee joint

The world’s most common joint disease, osteoarthritis (OA) is a major cause of disability among adults over the age of 50. Whether physical activity is beneficial or detrimental to weight-bearing joints, knees in particular, has been open to debate. Some studies implicate physical activity in provoking knee OA, while others suggest that physical activity may actually protect the knee joint from the disease.