Stress :: Lesser stress, lesser diseases

Detailing on his topic ‘Stress Related Disorders and their Management’, Dr Batra says that it is one of the major problems of life. The impact is so much that it results in various diseases from common cold to cancer, mental illness, migraine, depression and then leading to suicide, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) and many others.

Rheumatoid Arthritis :: Mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation in arthritis

Mitral valve prolapse with mitral valve regurgitation is a complication of rheumatic arthritis as a result of infection of heart muscles, endocardium & mitral valve. The causative factor is streptococcus organism. This disease is prevalent in childhood & teenagers & usually primary sites of infection are tonsils & unhealthy wounds. Streptococci are cosmopolitan in nature, they are present everywhere. From the site of primary lesions these organisms spread via lymphatics & venous drainage & they infect vital organ, heart & its membranes & valves. Such infections of the heart are known as rheumatic heart diseases.

Scientific classical homoeopathy prospered by quantum physics/mechanics

Homoeopathy is a science of cure. Dr Samuel Hahnemann was a German physician; he was an M.D. medicine bachelor of Leipzic University. He came across Cullen’s materia medica, and he started inventing rational science of healing. He did pioneering work in invention of micro doses for curative purposes.

Avascular Necrosis & Homoeopathy

Bone is living tissue that provides shape and support for the body, as well as protection for some organs. Bone also serves as a storage site for minerals and provides the medium – marrow – for the development and storage of blood cells. Because the functions of bone are numerous and complex, there are many disorders that require clinical care by a physician or other healthcare professional.