Carcinoma esophagus and Homoeopathy – Esophageal Cancer

Cancer of the esophagus remains a devastating disease because it is usually not detected until it has progressed to an advanced incurable stage. Modern imaging techniques, including barium esophagraphy, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), and positron-emission tomography (PET), are powerful tools in the detection, diagnosis, and staging of this malignancy. Early detection remains the elusive but essential goal of research. Only surgical resection at a very early stage has been shown to improve survival rates in patients with this disease.

Food Allergies :: Cure for food allergies

An allergy is the name given to any abnormal reaction a person has to something otherwise harmless that is eaten, inhaled, or touched. A real allergy is a problem involving the immune system, generally brought on by a substance known as IgE (antibody). Milk, dust, and cats often trigger allergic reactions in some people. The more common signs of an allergic reaction include hives, (itchy raised, red spots), a runny or stuffy nose, and/or red hot cheeks.