Skin Care :: Wrinkles and antioxidants topical products

Although there are wide claims about the benefits of antioxidants for wrinkles when used in skin creams, to date, only vitamins E and C and selenium applied topically have been proven to have any benefits for reducing sun damage in the skin. Even with these antioxidants, however, most available brands contain very low concentrations of them. In addition, they are also not well absorbed and they have a short-term effect. New delivery techniques, however, may prove to offset some of these problems.

Skin Care :: Wrinkles and Alpha Hydroxy Acid n Home Exfoliation

One of the basic methods for improving skin and eliminating small wrinkles is exfoliation (also called resurfacing), which is the removal of the top layer of skin to allow regrowth for new skin. Methods for doing this run from simple scrubs to special creams to intensive peeling treatments, including laser resurfacing. [See What Are Professional Resurfacing Procedures for Skin Wrinkles?] People with darker skin are at particularly higher risk for scarring or discoloration with the more powerful exfoliation methods.

Wrinkles :: Skin Care – Resurfacing procedures for skin wrinkles

The outward manifestations of age represent hard-won experience and character, and those who wear its natural signs with a healthy and happy outlook should be regarded with respect as role models. Before embarking on an expensive and ultimately futile attempt to keep time at bay, consider the real bases for self-esteem and the pursuit of a lifestyle that will bring true health and youthful vigor rather than an imitation of it.

Wrinkles :: Skin Care – Wrinkles and Chemical Peels

Chemical peels, also known as chemosurgery, help restore wrinkled, lightly scarred, or blemished facial skin. Much like chemical paint strippers, chemical peels strip off the top layers of skin, and new, younger-looking skin grows back. The procedure is very effective for the upper lip. It cannot be performed around the eyes. Partial peels are often done in conjunction with a face-lift.

Wrinkles :: Skin Care – Wrinkles and Dermabrasion

Dermabrasion affects deeper layers of skin than chemical peels, and may be useful for removing disfiguring marks, such as deep acne scars or deep wrinkles. As with chemical peels, it is effective for wrinkles on the upper lip and chin and cannot be used around the eyes. Some experts prefer dermabrasion to lasers for skin surfacing of people with darker skin colors.