Wrinkles :: Skin Care – Resurfacing procedures for skin wrinkles

The outward manifestations of age represent hard-won experience and character, and those who wear its natural signs with a healthy and happy outlook should be regarded with respect as role models. Before embarking on an expensive and ultimately futile attempt to keep time at bay, consider the real bases for self-esteem and the pursuit of a lifestyle that will bring true health and youthful vigor rather than an imitation of it.

For people who make the decision to pursue intensive treatments, individuals should consider the following factors, among others, and discuss them with their dermatologist or plastic surgeon:

The ability of the procedure to safely reduce wrinkles.

The ease and safety record of the procedure.

The skill of the doctor.

The length of recovery.

Possible complications.

The duration of the benefits.

A person’s age also helps determine the procedure:

For people in their thirties, a simple chemical peel is sufficient.

After age 40, people may benefit from collagen or fat implants.

At age 50 and over, plastic surgeons recommend laser resurfacing and customized treatments for individual needs.

In older individuals, combination procedures may be beneficial. Some examples include the following:

Laser surgery may be used for deep lines (such as those around the mouth) and chemical peels used over the rest of the face.

For enhancing the eye by correcting droopy eyelids and bags and raising the brow, combinations of blepharoplasty (eye lift), Botox, and laser resurfacing may be used.

Resurfacing Choices

There are many choices for skin resurfacing (also called exfoliation) and the patient must discuss a number of different factors that affect the choice. Resurfacing can achieve the following:

Removal of abnormal tissue and rough skin.

Stimulation of new skin growth.

Stimulation of collagen and elastin production.

In addition to determining the skill of the surgeon and the safety of the procedure, the patient must discuss the desired depth of the resurfacing and the capability of each procedure to reach this safely. All resurfacing procedures require a healing period afterward, during which the skin is red and sensitive. And it should be noted that the deeper the procedure, the higher the risk for complications, including delayed healing, infection, loss of pigment (skin color), and scarring.

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