Ultrasound :: Ultrasound-aided therapy better than stroke drug alone

Using ultrasound in combination with the drug t-PA can improve response to an ischemic stroke, according to a study involving 126 patients. This first-of-its-kind human trial compared the safety and efficacy of ultrasound and t-PA versus use of t-PA alone. The trial was funded in part by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The finding appears in the November 18, 2004, issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Pregnancy :: Survival of the fittest – pregnancy or abortion

Reproduction is one of the basic characteristics of a living organism. By this mode it not only maintains its own harmony but also helps in propagation of its own kind. In mammals, pregnancy is the hallmark of reproduction and in humans in particular a female takes 9 months to let the fetus grow in her womb so that it becomes viable and can live or can endure the circumstances outside the womb, of course still under parents love and care.

Hypertension :: Inhaled nitrite help babies suffering in a low-oxygen state

Scientists from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center and the Loma Linda University School of Medicine have found that use of an inhaled nitrite spray may help babies diagnosed with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN). Premature newborns and those with pneumonia or heart problems often develop PPHN. This often-fatal disease causes high blood pressure in an infant’s lungs and places the baby in a low-oxygen state. The collaborative study findings are reported in “Nature Medicine”.

Heat stroke :: Heat exhaustion and heat stroke

Exposure to excessive heat, causing loss of fluids and a rise in body temperature. This may occur at any age but most common in babies and elderly people. Prolonged exposure to high atmospheric temperature. Brief exposure to very high atmospheric temperature. (direct exposure to sun is not necessary). Heavy manual work in high temperature, high humidity. Pre-existing chronic diseases and alcoholism are some of the predisposing factors.

Mentality is important in health & sickness

“The human being is an integrated whole acting all the time through three distinct levels: the mental, the emotional and the physical. The mental level being the most important, while physical the least.” -Dr. George Vithoulkas

Personality :: Personality Taint – a window to successful prescribing

According to the Webster’s New World Dictionary ‘Personality’ is: “Habitual patterns and qualities of behavior of any individual as expressed by physical and mental activities and attitudes; distinctive individual qualities.”