Rheumatoid Arthritis :: Mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation in arthritis

Mitral valve prolapse with mitral valve regurgitation is a complication of rheumatic arthritis as a result of infection of heart muscles, endocardium & mitral valve. The causative factor is streptococcus organism. This disease is prevalent in childhood & teenagers & usually primary sites of infection are tonsils & unhealthy wounds. Streptococci are cosmopolitan in nature, they are present everywhere. From the site of primary lesions these organisms spread via lymphatics & venous drainage & they infect vital organ, heart & its membranes & valves. Such infections of the heart are known as rheumatic heart diseases.

Menopause :: The Maharishi Ayurveda Approach to Menopause and HRT

Learn the Maharishi Ayurveda approach to menopause with author and clinician Nancy Lonsdorf M.D.. Dr. Lonsdorf describes how to determine the type of imbalances at the basis of menopausal symptoms and provides practical recommendations to help prevent and alleviate them.