Fibromyalgia :: The Fibromyalgia Advocate

Starlanyl offers an impassioned, in-depth manifesto for FMS and myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) patients that explores the wide spectrum of traditional and alternative approaches to these two disorders. Herself a physician living with both FMS and MPS, Starlanyl gives the reader valuable information for working with various health specialists through numerous “data sheets” geared to a particular practitioner, e.g., the cardiologist or dentist.

Fibromyalgia :: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain – A Survival Manual

The original edition of this classic survival manual offered the first comprehensive patient guide for managing these conditions. Its extensive set of healing tools included targeted bodywork for painful trigger points and strategies to helpccope with chronic pain and sleep problems and the numbing effects of fibrofog.