Gangrene treatment – new ways to cure gangrene

Gangrene treatment – new ways to cure gangrene

Gangrene is localized soft-tissue death (necrosis) from prolonged blood-supply blockage. It can occur in atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, or decubitus ulcer, and after severe burns or frostbite.

New research studies are finding different new ways to treat gangrene to save body parts.

Gangrene is a dreadful disease in which the profession has failed to offer much in the way of relief for these patients.

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Restaurant menu – how do you read?

When you sit down to read a restaurant menu, do you read it like a book? Or do your eyes flit from place to place to find the most enticing dish?

A new study by SF State researcher Sybil Yang, assistant professor of hospitality and tourism management, suggests that on average diners read menus sequentially like a book, and that their gaze doesn’t linger noticeably longer over any particular location on the menu.

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Stem Cell :: Human embryonic stem cells derived from preimplantation genetically diagnosed embryos

A human stem cell line derived from embryos that were identified by preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to carry the mutation for fragile X syndrome has provided an unprecedented view of early events associated with this disease. In addition to giving scientists fresh insight into fragile X, results from this unique model system have emphasized the value of this new source of embryonic stem cells and may have a significant impact on the way that genetic diseases are studied in the future.

Cancer :: Scientific evidence of the significant anti-cancer effect of milk thistle

Recently, scientists demonstrated the anti-cancer effects of silibinin, a major biologically active compound of milk thistle. Being widely used as a folk remedy for liver diseases, milk thistle is safe and well-tolerated, and it protects the liver from drug or alcohol-related injury. Silibinin is highly purified from milk thistle, with a defined chemical structure and molecular weight (C25H22O10, MW: 482.44).