Homeopathic Medicine :: Argentum Nitricum – Silver Nitrate

Indicated in chronic hoarseness of singers; in gastric ailments characterized by much gastric flatulency and noisy belching of gas; diarrhoea; spinal diseases; trembling and weakness of legs; neurasthenia; chorea; hysteria; affections of the eyes, with burning heat, photophobia, copious muco-purulent discharge; early stage of gonorrhoea.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Aurum – Gold

Indicated in ailments from grief, disappointed love, deep mortification; in syphilitic affections and diseases due to abuse of mercury; in diseases of the small bones, with characteristic pain and soreness; in glandular swellings of scrofulous persons; induration of uterus and testicles; foul nasal catarrh, ozaena. Frequently there is present great sexual hyperaesthesia, with mental and sexual excitement, begetting a state, essentially hysterical, in which the patient becomes excessively moody and crushed by a sense of unworthiness and unfitness to live; hence talks about self-destruction as the only means of escape. Acts best in young women of light complexion, inclined to plumpness.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Baryta Carbonica – Carbonate of Baryta

Indicated in the ailments of scrofulous children, physically and mentally backward, with enlarged tonsils and other expressions of scrofulous tendency. Useful in diseases of men of advanced years, timid, easily tired, giving evidence of commencing physical deterioration. The latter frequently suffer from hypertrophy or induration of the prostate or testicles.