Homeopathic Medicine :: Ammonium Muriaticum – Sal Ammonia.

Indicated chiefly in diseases of the respiratory organs, with much prostration; in fat, bloated persons of lax fibre and of indolent, sluggish habit. Body large and fat; leg, too thin (H. N. Guernsey). ?Its periods of aggravation are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings; the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms in the evening ? (Wm. Boericke).

Homeopathic Medicine :: Apis Mellifica – Honey Bee

Indicated in eruptive fevers, especially in scarlatina; in diphtheria; in inflammatory affections, particularly in those of erysipelatous tendency; in dropsies with absence of thirst and scanty urination; nephritis. Very important in the treatment of post-scarlatinal dropsy. Used in intermittent and other fevers; in ovarian diseases; in certain coughs, with much dyspnoea.