Heart Failure :: Whole-grain breakfast cereal reduces heart failure risk

Eating whole-grain breakfast cereals seven or more times per week was associated with a lower risk of heart failure, according to an analysis of the observational Physicians? Health Study.

Eating Disorder :: Excessive TV viewing among young children linked to poor eating habits

The more a 3-year-old watches television, the more he or she consumes sugary drinks, and extra calories, Harvard researchers said today at the American Heart Association?s 47th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention.

Blood :: Exploring the molecular origin of blood clot flexibility

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the School of Arts and Sciences have shown that a well-known protein structure acts as a molecular spring, explaining one way that clots may stretch and bend under such physical stresses as blood flow. This knowledge will inform researchers about clot physiology in such conditions as wound healing, stroke and cardiovascular disease.