Kidney :: Early indicator of kidney disease may also predict risk of pre-diabetes

A blood component called cystatin C, used to test for early-stage kidney impairment, also may be a very early marker for those at risk of developing a condition known as pre-diabetes, a study conducted by researchers at the University at Buffalo has shown.

Smoking :: Non smoking spouse, smoke-free home, workplace help quitters win

A non-smoking spouse and smoke-free workplace play key roles in long-term success for young adults who quit smoking, according to Indiana University research, which found environmental factors to be more influential than individual behaviors and beliefs when it comes to kicking the habit.

Health Insurance :: Minority patients with insurance get better health care

Providing minority patients a “medical home” in which they have a regular doctor or health professional who oversees and coordinates their care would help eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities and promote more health care equity, says a new report from The Commonwealth Fund.

Children :: Chronic conditions in children will pose future health and welfare challenges

The increased incidence of chronic conditions among American children predicts serious strains on health care and social welfare systems in the future, caution investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard School of Public Health.

Inflammation :: Inflammation is at the origin and progression of diseases such as diabetes or cancer

Fifteen top international specialists in this field will gather from 25-27 June for a conference entitled, ?Inflammation and Chronic Disease?, part of the ?Barcelona BioMed? conference series organised by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and the Fundaci?n BBVA.

Diabetes :: Light activity can help avoid chronic disease

Reducing time spent sitting and increasing light physical activity has important health benefits that may reduce the risk of diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

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Weight Loss :: Americans can maintain weight loss

Every so often, another study comes out depicting the average American as an incorrigible yo-yo dieter and committed couch potato; however, nearly six in 10 people maintained their weight loss to within 5 percent over a year?s time in a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.