Skin Care :: Chloasma natural remedies

Chloasma is a type of skin discoloration (pregnancy mask), otherwise known as melasma. It appears during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Women with darker skin are more likely to develop this condition. After delivery chloasma will fade, however some traces may still remain. It can also occur in women who are taking oral contraceptives.

Neurogenic Bladder :: Neurogenic Bladder And Homoeopathy

Neurogenic bladder is a condition in which the nerves of the urinary system don?t work properly when the bladder is full. It can lead to different kinds of problems, including urine leakage if the muscles holding urine do not get the right message. For some, the muscles don?t get the message the bladder is full and its time to let go. If the bladder becomes too full, urine may back up into the kidneys, and the extra pressure causes damage to the tiny blood vessels in the kidney. Urine that stays too long may also cause an infection of the bladder or ureters.