Diet :: Diets rich in selenium linked to a lower risk of cancers

Diets rich in selenium have been linked to a lower risk of death from lung, colon and prostate cancers, and a better chance of avoiding nonmelanoma skin cancers, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Now researchers say the mineral may cut the risk of advanced colon cancer, especially among smokers. A study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that people with high levels of selenium in their blood had up to a 52 percent reduction in risk compared with those at the low end.

Researchers think selenium is beneficial because it is one of the antioxidants that prevent cell damage, which can lead to cancers.

As for selenium, most of us take in adequate amounts in a normal diet, according to the NIH. But you could boost your consumption by eating protein-rich foods such as tuna, cod, beef and turkey, along with enriched grain products such as rice (brown and/or white) and noodles.

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