Enuresis :: Homoeopathy in Enuresis – Bed Wetting

A very commonly seen problem in the clinic for which parents seek treatment and get concerned out of proportion. Children vary in the age at which they gain nocturnal continence of urine. About 10-15% of normal children at the age of 5 years still wet the bed at night. Boys slightly predominate over girls (as girls generally attain nocturnal bladder control early than boys), and there is increased incidence in some families. The factors leading to gaining in the bladder control are complex and involve maturation of the necessary neurological pathways as well as emotional factors.

Health :: Hypothermia – A Cold Weather Hazard for Seniors

Almost everyone knows about winter dangers such as broken bones from falls on the ice. But cold weather also can cause an important, less obvious danger that affects many older Americans. Older adults are especially vulnerable to hypothermia, which can be deadly if not treated quickly. This drop in body temperature often is caused by staying in a cold place for too long.

Alzheimer’s Disease :: Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Study

The Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) – a project developed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – is seeking 800 older adults to participate in a study aimed at identifying biological markers of memory decline and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Ultimately, scientists hope that brain and biological changes can be detected before memory decline and other symptoms appear, allowing the effectiveness of drugs to be evaluated at the earliest possible time.