HIV :: Guidelines on preventing mother to child transmission of HIV

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published new guidelines underlining the effectiveness of antiretroviral drugs to prevent the transmission of HIV from seropositive mothers to their children. These guidelines take into account the most recent information on the safety and effectiveness of different drug regimens, as well as concerns over resistance to some of the drugs used, including nevirapine.

Neuropathy :: Guillain Barre Syndrome – inflammation of peripheral nerves

Guillain-Barre Syndrome – GBS is inflammation of nerves caused by patient?s body producing antibodies against peripheral nerves. The course of the disease is different in different individuals. The syndrome is usually seen after infection of lungs, vaccination, childbirth or post-viral infections as by EBV, CMV or Herpes virus.

Dengue Fever :: Every fever is not dengue

Dengue and viral fever affects children and adults by the symptoms exhibited by the patients we could tell they were Dengue. In few cases we noticed signs and symptoms of bleeding from the Nose and mouth and hemorrhagic spots under the skin appeared 3 or four days after onset of the fever. Homeopathy in dengue fever, Prevention of Dengue Fever

Pregnancy :: Abortion, feticide in black & white

The most beautiful part of womanhood, it is said, is the ability to bring forth a new life. But this can prove to be a curse if the new life is unwanted. Unprecedented advances in modern science have, however, empowered a woman to decide whether she wants to give birth or not. Though the word abortion has come out of wraps over the years, it is still being used unscrupulously by many a doctor and patient.