ADHD :: High dopamine transporter levels not correlated with ADHD

Results from a brain-imaging study conducted at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory in collaboration with Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York indicate that levels of a brain protein proposed as a diagnostic marker for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not positively correlated with the disease.

Healthcare :: GE Healthcare Re-Imagines Radiology at RSNA Conference

GE Healthcare, a unit of General Electric Company (NYSE:GE), today kicked off its participation in the 2006 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) conference in Chicago with a focus on the company?s ‘Radiology Re-imagined’ theme along prominent displays of breakthough products that highlight the company?s exhibit booth.

Girl rights role model Marta launched to promote gender equality in Timor-Leste

The Office for Promotion of Equality (OPE), which comes under the Office of the Prime Minister, with UNICEF, officially launched the Marta Communication Initiative on 10 November 2006. This is a multimedia edutainment package of radio melodramas, stickers, posters, brochures and, in the future comic books and cartoon films, about a girl Marta, her brother Atoy, their pet parrot Kakatua and their adventures.

Fast Test for Low Blood Flow in Dogs Detects Early Heart Trouble

Working with dogs and using the latest in imaging software and machinery, also known as a 64-slice CT scanner, Johns Hopkins heart specialists have developed a fast and accurate means of tracking blood that has been slowed down by narrowing of the coronary arteries. Researchers say it took them less than half the time of exercise stress tests and echocardiograms currently used to find early warning of vessels more likely to become blocked and cause heart attack.

Health :: Predicting PET Imaging’s Future: Diagnosing and Treating Diseases ASAP

Breakthroughs in Sensitivity and Resolution Benefit Patients, Fundamentally Change How Doctors Will Diagnose and Treat Cancer and Heart, Brain Diseases, Notes Article in November Journal of Nuclear Medicine – Imagine a new world of detecting and diagnosing diseases sooner?even before any symptoms are present. Consider the possibility of receiving individualized, targeted molecular, cellular or genetic medical treatment as soon as possible and of undergoing scanning that can quickly tell your doctor whether your treatment is working. Continued advances in positron emission tomography (PET) imaging are key to this future, according to Simon R. Cherry, professor of biomedical engineering at the University of California, Davis.

Diabetes :: Plan Will Guide NIH Research in Type 1 Diabetes

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has released a long range plan that will help to guide research in type 1 diabetes for the next decade. Advances and Emerging Opportunities in Type 1 Diabetes Research: A Strategic Plan identifies goals and objectives to exploit recent scientific advances in combating this autoimmune form of diabetes.