Healthcare :: Novartis highlights strong R&D pipeline, plans for multiple new product launches

Novartis unveiled today new data on its promising pipeline amid plans for multiple new product approvals and launches over the next two years. Many of these anticipated approvals are for potentially best-in-class medicines that would advance treatment standards for patients with hypertension, diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

Alzheimer’s Disease :: Common cold leading to Alzheimer’s disease

Viruses linked to the common cold could be causing memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease in millions of people, new research suggests. Experts suspect that common viruses which infect around one billion people worldwide each year may be invading the central nervous system and damaging the brain. In later life this could lead to symptoms of memory loss and declining mental ability.

Meningitis :: Meningitis shot and risk for Guillain Barre syndrome

Young people who get a new meningitis shot may be at a slightly higher risk of developing a paralyzing side effect, federal researchers said. Even so, U.S. health officials said the benefits far outweigh the risk of getting the rare condition, Guillain Barre syndrome. They are not backing off their recommendation that most students be vaccinated.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Crotalus Horridus – Rattlesnake Venom

Indicated in low septic conditions, with expressions of general physical depravity; disorganization of the blood, refusing to form clots; jaundice with great prostration. Most useful in all fevers of a malignant type, as yellow fever, malignant scarlet fever, haemorrhagic measles, malarial fevers of tropical countries. Also in typhus, cerebro-spinal meningitis, diphtheria with oozing of blood from the orifices (mouth and anus); ulcerations of the stomach; jaundice with dark, scanty urine and oozing of blood from the rectum; haemorrhage from the kidneys after scarlet fever.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Gelsemium – Yellow Jessamine

Indicated in fevers of malarial, catarrhal or eruptive character, with shivering; fever without thirst; unwillingness to be disturbed; sense of paralytic weakness in the limbs. In catarrhal conditions, including hay fever and la grippe, with watery discharge, dullness of head, dizziness, chilliness, and neuralgia, and hysteria, passing off with the appearance of frequent and copious emissions of limpid urine. Diarrhoea from fright. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Headaches with moderate vertigo. Post-diphtheritic paralysis of the throat.