Weight Loss :: Best weight loss plans for heart health

Over the past three decades, the rising obesity epidemic has been accompanied by a proliferation of weight-loss plans. However, as a new study by researchers from the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) reveals, these weight-loss plans vary significantly in their ability to positively affect heart health.

Health :: Oxford Health Alliance launches World’s most comprehensive chronic disease prevention research programme

The Oxford Health Alliance (OxHA), a global coalition with the aim of preventing the epidemic of chronic disease, is launching a groundbreaking public health research programme to enhance scientific knowledge about the effectiveness of community interventions in reducing the prevalence of chronic diseases.

HIV :: Financial resource requirements for AIDS

UNAIDS has released a new report on the estimated financial resources required for the AIDS response. The report, entitled Financial Resources required to Achieve Universal Access to HIV, Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support puts forward three different approaches to financing the AIDS response including:

Obesity :: Obesity Remains #1 Challenge, US

The results of a county-wide survey released by the Monroe County Department of Public Health show that obesity and associated health problems – diabetes and hypertension – remain a growing public health threat. At the same time, the survey confirms that interventions and public awareness campaigns in areas such as smoking, vaccinations, and colon cancer screening have produced positive results.

HIV :: Rupert Everett visits Russia as UN envoy on HIV/AIDS

Film star Rupert Everett, the actor who is a Special Representative of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), is on a four-day visit to Russia to learn what is being done to reverse the spread of the epidemic in a country where the number of those living with HIV is officially put at 386,000, but is widely believed to be up to 1.1 million.

Pregnancy :: Weight gain between first and second pregnancies associated with increased odds of male second child

A slightly greater number of males than females are born worldwide every year. In recent decades, although there are still more baby boys born than girls, there has been an apparent decline in the ratio of male to female newborns in several industrialized countries, including Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Japan and the United States.