Skin Leucoderma – Vitiligo – Natrum Muriaticum

Vitiligo is  condition of the skin in which destruction of melanocytes in small or large circumscribed areas results in patches of depigmentation, often having a hyperpigmented border, and often enlarging slowly. This is clinical study about efficacy Of homoeopathic drugs in cases of leucoderma.

CASE – 4: A – 5635:

A ten years old boy was having depigmented spots on face since 2 years. The case was repertorised. Symptoms considered for s_election of remedy were desire for salty things, tendency to get angry and violent, quarrelsome nature with tendency to get offended easily, aggravation from consolation, aversion to company, anxious dreams and thirst for large quantity of water. Natrum muriaticum was s_elected. After 4 months of treatment ninety nine percent improvement was observed.

Ist prescription: June 09, 1997: Natrum muriaticum 1000 single dose was prescribed followed by placebo for four weeks.

Ist follow-up: July 07, 1997: Depigmented spot on face much better. Placebo was repeated for four weeks.

IInd follow-up: August 09, 1997: Slow improvement in depigmented spot on face. Natrum muriaticum 1000 was repeated followed by Placebo for eight weeks.

IIIrd follow-up: October 10, 1997: Depigmented spot on face almost disappeared. Placebo was repeated for eight weeks.

(Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Drugs In Cases Of Leucoderma: A Clinical Study)

2 thoughts on “Skin Leucoderma – Vitiligo – Natrum Muriaticum”

  1. Hi,

    May i know where the child had been treated for vitiligo.

    I also have Vitiligo spots & wants to contact for the same.




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