Vitiligo :: Skin Leucoderma – Vitiligo – Phosphorus, Hyoscyamus

Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Drugs In Cases Of Leucoderma: A Clinical Study

CASE – 2: M – 4507:

A five years old female child was having depigmented spots on face especially around eyes since 1 year. The case was repertorised. Symptoms considered for selection of remedy were desire for salty things, craving for chocolate and cheese, profuse sweating on face especially forehead, desire for company, obstinate and quarrelsome but timid nature with tendency to get angry, hide from strangers (Hyoscyamus), restlessness and thirst for large quantity of water. Phosphorus was prescribed followed by Hyoscyamus. Hundred percent cure was achieved after 25 months of treatment.

Ist prescription: November 11, 1998: Phosphorus 1000 single dose was prescribed followed by Placebo for twenty two weeks on different visits.

Ist follow-up: April 28, 1999: Browning seen in depigmented spots on face but improvement was slow. The case was reviewed and Phosphorus 10M was prescribed followed by Placebo for twenty weeks on different visits.

IInd follow-up: October 1, 1999: Slow improvement in depigmented spots on face. Phosphorus 10M was repeated followed by Hyoscyamus 30 for thirty two weeks on different visits.

IIIrd follow-up: May 25′ 2000: Depigmented spots on face much better. Only Hyoscyamus 30 was repeated for twenty four weeks on different visits.

IVth follow-up: December 4′ 2000: Depigmented spots on face almost invisible. Placebo was repeated for four weeks.

(Photos – Efficacy Of Homoeopathic Drugs In Cases Of Leucoderma)

1 thought on “Vitiligo :: Skin Leucoderma – Vitiligo – Phosphorus, Hyoscyamus”

  1. Hi,
    i have been suffering for more than last 12 years. Homoeopathy treatment was done. it reaches upto a level where it vanishes almost but again after some time it appears with more effected region. not yet recover yet.


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