Special arrangements for voters with disability have been made to facilitate their access to exercise their franchise for Lok Sabha polls on the 10 of next month in the capital. Addresing media in New Delhi today, Chief Electoral Officer of Delhi Vijay Dev said a training session for voters and electoral officials will be launched to sensitise them on the issue.
Dev said if any of the officers or those deployed to help the disabled are found violating the rules, they will be punished.
Chief Electoral officer said that a software is going to be launched on commission’s website where voters with disabilities can register themselves and request for the facilities they want from the commission.
Vijay Dev said that nominations were received from 207 candidates for 7 parliamentary constituencies of the national capital and out of these candidates, 156 were found to be validly nominated while candidature of 51 were rejected.
Dev said that tomorrow is the last date of withdrawal of the candidature.
Vijay Dev said that all enforcement measures are being taken to conduct free and fair elections.