Psychological Problems on Increase

A Free Monthly Camp on MENTAL DEPRESSION & PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS was held at OVIHAMS ( Aum Vidya Institute Of Homoeopathy and Allied Medical Sciences) at RL ? 1, Ganga Ram Vatika, Tilak Nagar on SATURDAY the 12th JULY for 3 Hrs. Amongst 23 patients youngest was 4 yrs old child and the eldest was 69 yrs old lady who consulted Prof. Dr. A.K.Gupta Sr. Homoeopath & Director OVIHAMS for their various problems like Sadness, Irritability, Lack of Concentration, Lack of Confidence , Suicidal thoughts, Fear of failure, Anxiety , Depression and Over Expectation etc.

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Liver Cancer :: Liver Cancer and Homoeopathy

The Liver: Digestive Function of the Liver, Circulatory Function of the Liver, Microscopic Structure of the Liver, Microscopic Structure of the Liver, How Liver Cancer Develops: Carcinogenesis: Initiation, Promotion, Growth of Cancer, How Cancer is Detected, Treatment of Liver Cancer.

Flatulent Dyspepsia – Malaria officinalis

A middle-aged man with very sharp features and shiny nails consulted me for his complaints of indigestion with which he had been suffering for last 3-4 years. He would pass a lot of wind and felt bloated most of the times. His bowel movements were unsatisfactory and were the cause of his main worry as he had to go many times to the toilet. He had been on numerous medicines both homoeopathic (like Nux vomica, Lycopodium, Podophyllum etc.) and allopathic and none had given him relief for long. Hearing this I asked one of my students to take his case in detail.