Homeopathic Medicine :: Crotalus Horridus – Rattlesnake Venom

Indicated in low septic conditions, with expressions of general physical depravity; disorganization of the blood, refusing to form clots; jaundice with great prostration. Most useful in all fevers of a malignant type, as yellow fever, malignant scarlet fever, haemorrhagic measles, malarial fevers of tropical countries. Also in typhus, cerebro-spinal meningitis, diphtheria with oozing of blood from the orifices (mouth and anus); ulcerations of the stomach; jaundice with dark, scanty urine and oozing of blood from the rectum; haemorrhage from the kidneys after scarlet fever.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Cuprum Metallicum – Copper

Indicated in spasmodic affections (chorea), convulsive seizures (puerperal, epilepsy, convulsions of children). Particularly useful when convulsions and other threatening symptoms appear after suppression or too early disappearance of the rash in eruptive fevers. Valuable in whooping cough; in all forms of diarrhoea (cholera) with violent cramps in abdomen and calves of legs; in gastric affections with violent vomiting cramping; in colics so severe that collapse seems imminent.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Digitalis Purpurea – Purple Foxglove

Indicated in affections of the heart, with weak, irregular contractions, causing a fluttering sensation. Sense of faintness and fear of death from dread that the heart?s action will suddenly cease. Of great value in organic heart disease, with scantiness of urine and dropsical effusion. Also in hepatic disease with jaundice, ascites, nephritis with cardiac symptoms, percarditis with effusion; pneumonia, especially of the aged, with weakness of the heart?s action. Less often in urethritis, specific and non-specific, and in prostatitis.