Indicated in spasmodic affections (chorea), convulsive seizures (puerperal, epilepsy, convulsions of children). Particularly useful when convulsions and other threatening symptoms appear after suppression or too early disappearance of the rash in eruptive fevers. Valuable in whooping cough; in all forms of diarrhoea (cholera) with violent cramps in abdomen and calves of legs; in gastric affections with violent vomiting cramping; in colics so severe that collapse seems imminent.
Laryngismus stridulus, spasmodic asthma, cerebro-spinal affections culminating in paralysis. Intermittent fever, with scarcity or suppression of urine and collapse.
Vertigo on looking up, with vanishing of vision as from a veil before the eyes.
Bruised pain in the brain and in eye-balls on turning them.
Delirium with fear of everybody and everything.
Sense of constriction in the throat, chest (cough, dyspnoea), gastro-intestinal tract (colic), uterus (cramps), etc.
Child lies on abdomen and spasmodically thrusts breech up.
Spasms, clonic, spreading from one point; epilepsy; convulsions; preceded by drawing in left arm.
Severe cramps in calves of legs, soles of feet, abdomen, forcing him to utter piercing shrieks.
Cough, spasmodic, long-lasting, suffocating (whooping cough); can hardly speak or breathe; lies stiff and with livid, blue face, unconscious, spasmodic twitching.
Asthma; violent; coming and going suddenly.
When drinking, it sounds as though water were running out of a bottle.
Vomiting; severe; with violent cramps in chest and abdomen, forcing him to utter piercing shrieks.
Diarrhoea with much griping pain; stools green. Ineffectual attempts to vomit or forcible vomiting, better from drinking cold water.
Chilliness, with cold sweat on the forehead; irregular and spasmodically contracted pulse; palpitation.
Skin mottled; bluish; itching; cyanosis; Pimples in folds of joints.
Worse from vomiting; before menses;
Better from cold water (cough, gastric symptoms); while sweating.
(First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homoeopathic Remedies by H. R. Arndt, M. D. Philadephia. Boericke and Tafel.)