Homeopathic Medicine :: Colocynthis – Squirting Cucumber

Indicated in neuralgic affections (sciatica with relief from hard pressure and lying on affected side; in ovarian pain (dysmenorrhoea); in rheumatism; particularly valuable in intestinal affections (colic, dysentery), with severe colicky pain causing him to bend double and press against some hard substance of relief. There is always present much irritability and protestation of great suffering. Useful in troubles caused by anger or indignation.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Conium – Spotted Hemlock

Indicated in affections of elderly people who have become weak and sluggish; in elderly persons of either sex, especially women at the change of life, who have been continent, but not without desire; in hard tumors and suspicion of cancerous tendency; in all glandular indurations, vertigo. Night-coughs of old people, frequently with gastric pain. According to T. F. Allen, useful in sexual nervousness of strong, healthy men who are unable to have erections.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Creosotum – Creosote

Indicated in diseases of the genito-urinary system and in affections of the skin, with tendency to haemorrhage and decomposition, hence putridity of discharges. There is much restlessness and burning pain as from a red hot coal. Used in lupus of the nose and face, with burning pain; in choleraic conditions with fetid bloody stools, great prostration and gastric irritability; cholera infantum; many diseases of the female genital organs, as inflammations, cervical ulceration, malignant diseases of the uterus, cauliflower excresences, leucorrhoea, pruritus, etc., characterized by burning pain, putridity and tendency to erosion. Also useful in gangrenous conditions.