Sudeh-Suman Indian Homoeopathic Resource – 2002

Here is a book that addresses all your questions about the people and organizations of homoeopathic world in India. Apart from the usual list of doctors it has the list of homoeopathic teachers and other professionals like authors, editors, office bearers of various associations and other organizations.

Important Features:

More over it has a list of some 2000 homoeopathic products, list of approximately 2000 book titles and list of homoeopathic journals. The book list has another indicator – the subject and topic of that particular book. It is an important list for all progressive doctors and students of homoeopathy as well as researchers.

The doctors’ list has been sorted state wise and then district and then surname wise. The product list has been classified into 31 categories. There is a list of sales outlets and manufacturing companies too. There is a list of homoeopathic medical colleges and courses offered by them. This is an important list for all the students of homoeopathy.

Apart from the listings there is a large number of articles devoted to various aspects of homoeopathy. These articles range from the pure technical aspects of homoeopathy like various techniques of medicine selection like ROH to the latest technology used in homoeopathy like different software, Internet, E-mail etc. There is a review of some 300 Internet sites of homoeopathy.

The article on the use of computers in homoeopathy is a must for all those people who are interested in speeding up their working as well as learning. On a computer you have a large library on your desktop. Instead of dismissing the benefits of computers one must have a look at the articles in this book that what computers can do for us like all other marvels of technology. The overwhelming complexity of the technology has been made much easier to follow in these articles. There is a glossary of terms too.

All those people who are interested in their professional growth or that of homoeopathy will find this book indispensable. The list of articles is very impressive. If you love the challenges then find out the whole list of challenges before homoeopathy. See to it whether you can contribute to the quality of homeopathy on an individual basis or through some organization. All those who want to collaborate they can find partners in NGOs and other research organizations. This has an impressive list of various research and voluntary organization associated with the health of the society.

If you are bored with the usual 9-5 job of dealing with the patients then you can find the new opportunities open to you. The article elaborating on the job opportunities gives you an overview of other possibilities of jobs in the healthcare sector.

To improve homoeopathy in every possible way we need to organize and manage our resources judiciously. The management requirements of the healthcare are summed up in a very informative article on knowledge management.

Spreading the benefits of homoeopathy around was never easy. We need to know the general perception of the people around us in order to serve them better. What are their expectations and what do they need to be informed has been elaborated in an article based on the survey of some 500 people. Moreover the role of media in the growth of homoeopathy has been discussed in another article.

There is a new look at the personality of Hahnemann by way of analyzing his handwriting analysis by prominent graphologist Dr. Anand Manocha. There is an article too dealing with graphology and its use in homoeopathy.

Nothing is complete without remembering our prominent people and organizations. All those people who contributed to the homoeopathy in a big way have been profiled. Though the list is not exhaustive but nonetheless is useful as far as an insight into the lives of our leaders are concerned. It is up to us to have imbibed their abilities and vision. There are interviews with some of the leading homoeopaths of today. Some 16 research organizations and associations have been profiled so that you can decide whom to look for what.

A national survey was conducted along with this compilation project. The results of this survey are compiled in a separate article. This is the first time such a large survey was conducted. This is an important survey for all those who want to know the present trend among the homoeopaths and their practice.

Lastly in an exclusive section devoted to fitness and holistic life style some finer aspects of healthy living and health care are discussed. The prominent ones are – Fitness, Yoga, and Physiotherapy.

750 Pages of A4 size, Information in Hindi & English both, Listings in English only, Price in India Rs. 295/- plus 70/- for postage by Reg. Parcel. Available from Sudeh-Suman Swasthya Sevayen, 68 Civil Lines, Anathalaya Marg, BAREILLY – 243 003. Phone: 0581-2555534

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