Homeopathic Medicine :: Lycopodium – Club Moss.

Indicated in deep-seated, chronic diseases, especially of persons who are weak muscularly, but have a keen, active brain; who are subject to digestive disturbances with much flatulency; catarrhal conditions; hepatic involvements, with tenderness and stitches in the liver, swallow complexion, yellowish sports on the abdomen; dropsy dependent upon disease of the liver; uric acid diathesis; tonsilitis; diphtheria; chronic pneumonia, especially of old people; indigestion, with flatulency and colic, of babies.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Lachesis – Lance-Headed Viper

Indicated in low fevers, septic states, and in all conditions characterized by utter prostration and blood deterioration. In diphtheria, purpura, low fevers, malignant scarlet fever. Has the reputation of great usefulness in all climacteric troubles, in the treatment of diseases arising from suppressed discharges. Chronic sore throat, with tenacious mucus sticking to the throat.

Homeopathic Medicine :: Hepar Sulphuris – Hahnemann?s Calcium Sulphide

Indicated in a wide range of diseases affecting the respiratory and intestinal mucous membrane, glandular system and skin, characterized by great sensitiveness to draught, easy perspiration and ready suppuration of the affected parts. In scrofulous affections, including those of the eye and ear; sore throat; tonsillitis on the point of suppuration; cough, including the late stages of bronchitis and pneumonia; suppurative affections of the skin, as felons; hip-joint disease with suppuration; bad-smelling eruptions, etc.