Sinusitis, a condition that inflames the tissues around the sinuses, stands as one of the most common health care complaints worldwide. Its persistent prevalence makes it a significant focus for health care providers, particularly family practitioners, who often diagnose the condition based on patient history and physical examinations.
Sinusitis :: Luffa operculata in sinusitis
This rare and wonderful drug Luffa Operculata has great role in the Homoeopathy, in curing the sick. Now a days you will find many cases of Sinusitis, Allergic Rhinitis, Migrain, Bronchial Asthma and Hay Fever. This medicine is having big rank amongst the polychrest remedies like, Ars a, All c, Nat m, Kali bich, Sil, etc. is having more cure rate. Our Modern life is full of these type of ENT diseases, in every third person you will find, chest allergy, throat Nasal and migrain.