Sinusitis :: Luffa operculata in sinusitis

This rare and wonderful drug Luffa Operculata has great role in the Homoeopathy, in curing the sick. Now a days you will find many cases of Sinusitis, Allergic Rhinitis, Migrain, Bronchial Asthma and Hay Fever. This medicine is having big rank amongst the polychrest remedies like, Ars a, All c, Nat m, Kali bich, Sil, etc. is having more cure rate. Our Modern life is full of these type of ENT diseases, in every third person you will find, chest allergy, throat Nasal and migrain.

Homeopathy :: Homoeopathy and its miracles – an alternative medicine

Homoeopathy (=homeopathy) is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature?s Law of Cure, namely ?Like Cures Like?. A german scientist Dr. Samuel Hanhnemann in 1796 has been verified experimentally and clinically for 200 yrs discovered the truth of this law. Homoeopathy is the revolutionary, natural medical science. Homoeopathy is a gentle and effective system of medicine. The remedies are prepared from natural substances to precise standards and work by stimulating the body?s own healing power.

Sinusitis :: A Patient’s Guide to Sinusitis, Nasal Allegies, Polyps & Treatment

More than 37 million Americans suffer from chronic sinusitis, making it the most common chronic condition in the country. Millions more suffer from nasal allergies that can lead to sinusitis. If left untreated, it can lead to headaches, blood infections, meningitis, and neurological disorders.

Hypertension :: Anxiety & high blood pressure cases on rise in children

Mast.S.S. 16 yr old student is fed up with vertigo, dizziness on getting up, he gets breathless and is unable to control his anger experiences persistent headaches and feels pain and dryness in the eyes. He has to study hard and devote time to coaching for his forth coming Boards but find unable to cop up because of nagging pains and symptoms.

Hair Care :: Premature Graying of Hair and Homeopathy

As the age advances, normally the hair has a tendency to lose its natural colour.
But premature graying of hair is a morbid condition, which renders a typical
cosmetic problem and makes the young to look older. This causes a gigantic deal
of concern to affected persons, especially women.